A few stats we need to know about the senior citizens in India

Every fourth Sunday of July is celebrated as ‘Parents Day’ to honour and show gratitude to the sacrifices that parents make to ensure a bright future for their children. However, the statistics about the conditions of the elderly in India look quite grim. While on one hand we take pride in our culture of respecting our parents, on the other hand we fail to take care of them when they need us the most.

As we approach Parents Day, here is an article with a few statistics about the condition of the elderly in India.

The elderly population is growing decade-by-decade, but the same cannot be said about the number of economically independent or educated senior citizens.

Some senior citizens still have to fend for themselves and earn a livelihood.

Some are also entirely dependent on their spouses or children.

Not all senior citizens have a home to call their own.

While there is a law for the maintenance and welfare of the citizens, it is yet to be implemented in many Indian states and Union Territories.

Why do we fail to care for our elderly parents in their twilight years? How do you think laws can be enforced so that every senior citizen gets the dignity he/she deserves? Share your views on our Facebook and Twitter pages, or email us at jaagorein@gmail.com

Source for all statistics - Ministry for Statistics and Program Implementation

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