An Open Letter to Children from a battered Playground
Dear kids,
They say that some lessons can be only learnt on a playground.
I will be the first one to agree - I mean look at all the lessons I am teaching the kids.
So kids, here goes nothing:
You will learn to adjust. You need to understand that I'm not always ready to be used the way you'd like. Sometimes I will have pebbles. Sometimes I will host non-sporting functions. Sometimes I will be unavailable. We'll work around it. We always do.
Be versatile like me - I am used for every sport.
Don't sweat the small stuff - I will not be the same size you need me to be.
Always remember the bigger picture - remember that the sport is bigger than the playground.
These valuable lessons will come in handy when you are competing at a national level. Or at a global level. Like the Olympics.
Some of us may not be very receptive, but you know what they also say: "Any publicity is good publicity."
And then you can all point fingers at us. But how does it matter?! We have taught you the hard lesson by then.
Go ahead learn these lessons kids, while I settle some scores.
Yours Sincerely,
The Battered Playground.
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